Friday, August 2, 2013

Create A Sim: Lady Gaga By Simmerrr4Life

Hi! Welcome to my first blog post! :D ( woo! )

Anyway, This is my first blog. I hope to post things I'm working on or whatever I feel Sim related :)

So, with that said, this post is about my Lady Gaga Sim I created and did a CAS video on. I was contemplating on what celebrity I would want to be my first Sim celebrity creation. Lady Gaga was the first to pop into my head. Mainly because I instantly thought about her face structure and uniqueness- having to put it into Sim form. I thought it could be a small challenge for me.

So, I began by looking up a million pictures and watching Lady Gaga videos for ever on repeat. Which didn't bother me one bit! The only annoying thing out of having to do this, was having the songs stuck in my head for what seemed like forever lol

Next was looking for outfits for this Sim. I thought this may be a bit hard to do, but then i remembered there's SO much custom content out there and amazing creators, that hopefully someone had already thought about Lady Gaga (and of course they did! :D ) So, searching for Lady Gaga custom content wasn't as hard as I imagined it to be. I got most of the outfits i used from one amazing creator on The Sims Resource .

Here are a few of his other creations that i did not use in my Lady Gaga CAS:

You can find all his Lady Gaga creations Here .

Other items and accessories I used, I had to jump around Google a bit to find what i was looking for.
Like I said, getting the custom content for my Lady Gaga was quite easy. Easier than expected.

Makeup! Makeup was another important thing to add. Makeup makes each of her CAS outfits more relateable to the real life Lady Gaga and outfits.
There are only a couple Lady Gaga makeups when you search something like 'Sims 3 Lady Gaga Makeup'. And i think i only used a lipstick for the mickey mouse outfit and the skull makeup from what I found in my search. Yep, I had to go through a lot of custom content makeups to find exactly what i was looking for. I think searching for hair and makeup took longer than creating the Sim herself lol, But you want it as close to the real thing as possible right? :P


Here's Some pics of her face throughout different outfits in CAS  :

The next thing to do was to actually create the Sim! It did take me some time to get her face structure good enough in my opinion. I can be a harsh critic on myself, and I kept feeling her face wasn't quite right. That's why I continuously go back and edit her face in the CAS video lol. You might notice in the pictures above, there are slight facial changes in some pictures ( though it might be hard to see with the makeup ) .

So, without further waiting, here's my CAS video for Lady Gaga :)

CAS:Lady Gaga By Simmerrr4Life

Thanks to a great simming friend, @tazreentasnim 's ( Read her Blog Here! )  suggestion, My next CAS video will be on - none other than - Katy Perry! :)

Hope you enjoyed! 